25 January 2011

Linux History

Linux is the result of human culture is really just born, history of linux starts from the two figures are beneficial Richard Stallman and Linus Torvalds. Once there is Richard Stallman who has a unique field that the right of a programmer is to get the source code that is free of charge for acquired applications, so Richard Stallman initialize a movement called the Free Software Movement, this movement grew until the end of the standing organization called the GNU Foundation. GNU Free Software Foundation's campaign for the movement and the GPL license. GNU Foundation also produces a lot of software that is licensed using the GPL rules so that users of these programs are free to use it Free. Free software lets users view the source-code of the software and have the right to increase or decrease their own

Linux is a word that has become a Buzzword in this era, and the meaning Linux is a step to learn Linux. Because of its open source, many developers want to create a Linux with its own style. Finally, the emergence of some kinds of Linux distributions. Tesebut better known Linux distribution with Linux distributions. Distros first batch of the famous is mandrake (now mandriva), Redhat (now Fedora Core), SUSE (now Novell), Debian, and Slackware.

From the first Linux distribution, was undertaken some engineering to produce new distros are unique to the present. The most unique distributions of late style LiveCD distro which need to be in lakakukan installation to be able to use the program. LiveCD distro can even be run on computers that do not have any hard disk at all. Live CD distros a lot, among other things:

1. Knoppix which is a derivative of Debian Linux LiveCD
2. Mandrake Move Live CD version of Mandrake
3. BioKnoppix derivative of Knoppix
4. Derivative of Slackware SLAX

Just about 15 years since discovered (starting 1991), Linux has been progressing very rapidly. This is certainly cause for some circles optisme concern for education in Indonesia, who then suggested some parties, especially the government and the academy to use Linux to handle the computing needs in Indonesia.

20 January 2011

Linux Distribution For Netbook

As you know that netbook have some limitation in hardware compared to notebook or desktop computer. Usually, Netbook can be used to surf the Web, compose e-mails, do light office tasks, and play music or videos. Due to that limitations, a linux distribution which optimized for that limitation are required in order the function and usage of netbook still can be used especially in screen resolution limitation and less processing power limitations. Here are some linux distribution / distro which optimized for netbook :

Ubuntu Netbook Edition
Ubuntu Netbook Edition was formely Ubuntu Netbook Remix is a Ubuntu distribution which optimized for netbook. Ubuntu Netbook Edition brings all the advantages of Ubuntu to netbook with the interface called Unity, an innovative user interface super-optimised for smaller screens. With Unity, the GUI is very nice and suitable for netbook screen.
You can find the detail of Ubuntu Netbook Edition here

MeeGo is distrubution which come from combination (merging) of Moblin and Maemo. MeeGo integrates the experience and skills of two significant development ecosystems, versed in communications and computing technologies. The MeeGo project believes these two pillars form the technical foundations for next generation platforms and usages in the mobile and device platforms space.
You can find the detail of Meego here
Jolicloud is an Internet operating system which is designed to run on relatively low-powered netbook computers. Jolicloud transforms  netbook into a sophisticated web device that taps into the cloud to expand your computing possibilities. The web already hosts a significant part of our lives like mails, photos, videos, and friends are already somewhere online.
You can find the detail of Jolicloud here